Release 395 (7 Sep 2022)#


  • Reduce memory consumption when fault-tolerant execution is enabled. (#13855)

  • Reduce memory consumption of aggregations. (#12512)

  • Improve performance of aggregations with decimals. (#13573)

  • Improve concurrency for large clusters. (#13934, 13986)

  • Remove information_schema.role_authorization_descriptors table. (#11341)

  • Fix SHOW CREATE TABLE or SHOW COLUMNS showing an invalid type for columns that use a reserved keyword as column name. (#13483)

ClickHouse connector#

  • Fix query failure when renaming or dropping a column with a name which matches a reserved keyword or has special characters which require it to be quoted. (#13839)

Delta Lake connector#

  • Add support for the ALTER TABLE ... RENAME TO statement with a Glue metastore. (#12985)

  • Improve performance of inserts by automatically scaling the number of writers within a worker node. (#13111)

  • Enforce delta.checkpoint.writeStatsAsJson and delta.checkpoint.writeStatsAsStruct table properties to ensure table statistics are written in the correct format. (#12031)

Hive connector#

  • Improve performance of inserts by automatically scaling the number of writers within a worker node. (#13111)

  • Improve performance of S3 Select when using CSV files as an input. (#13754)

  • Fix error where the S3 KMS key is not searched in the proper AWS region when S3 client-side encryption is used. (#13715)

Iceberg connector#

  • Improve performance of inserts by automatically scaling the number of writers within a worker node. (#13111)

  • Fix creating metadata and manifest files with a URL-encoded name on S3 when the metadata location has trailing slashes. (#13759)

MariaDB connector#

  • Fix query failure when renaming or dropping a column with a name which matches a reserved keyword or has special characters which require it to be quoted. (#13839)

Memory connector#

  • Add support for table and column comments. (#13936)

MongoDB connector#

  • Fix query failure when filtering on columns of json type. (#13536)

MySQL connector#

  • Fix query failure when renaming or dropping a column with a name which matches a reserved keyword or has special characters which require it to be quoted. (#13839)

Oracle connector#

  • Fix query failure when renaming or dropping a column with a name which matches a reserved keyword or has special characters which require it to be quoted. (#13839)

Phoenix connector#

  • Fix query failure when adding, renaming, or dropping a column with a name which matches a reserved keyword or has special characters which require it to be quoted. (#13839)

PostgreSQL connector#

  • Fix query failure when renaming or dropping a column with a name which matches a reserved keyword or has special characters which require it to be quoted. (#13839)

Prometheus connector#

  • Add support for case-insensitive table name matching with the configuration property. (#8740)

Redshift connector#

  • Fix query failure when renaming or dropping a column with a name which matches a reserved keyword or has special characters which require it to be quoted. (#13839)

SingleStore (MemSQL) connector#

  • Fix query failure when renaming or dropping a column with a name which matches a reserved keyword or has special characters which require it to be quoted. (#13839)

SQL Server connector#

  • Fix query failure when renaming or dropping a column with a name which matches a reserved keyword or has special characters which require it to be quoted. (#13839)


  • Add support for dynamic function resolution. (#8)

  • Rename LIKE_PATTERN_FUNCTION_NAME to LIKE_FUNCTION_NAME in StandardFunctions. (#13965)

  • Remove the listAllRoleGrants method from ConnectorMetadata. (#11341)