Release 360 (30 Jul 2021)#


  • Improve support for correlated subqueries with GROUP BY or LIMIT and complex correlated filter conditions. (#8554)

  • Report cumulative query system memory usage. (#8615)

  • Fix DROP SCHEMA and DROP SCHEMA RESTRICT not to drop then schema if it is not empty. (#8660)

  • Fix query failure when there is a constant predicate on some column col (e.g col=1), followed by ORDER BY col and LIMIT. (#8535)

  • Fix SHOW CREATE SCHEMA failure. (#8598)

  • Fix query failure when running SHOW CREATE SCHEMA information_schema. (#8600)

  • Improve performance of WHERE clause evaluation. (#8624)

  • Reduce coordinator network load. (#8460)

  • Improve query performance by sending collected dynamic filters from coordinator to workers. (#5183)

  • Improve performance of inequality joins where join condition sides have different type. (#8500)

  • Improve performance of IN (<subquery>) expressions. (#8639)



  • Fix auto completion when pressing the tab button. (#8529)

ClickHouse connector#

  • Add write.batch-size connector configuration property to control JDBC batch size used during writes. It can also be controlled using the write_batch_size session property. (#8434)

  • Add new configuration property insert.non-transactional-insert.enabled to allow INSERT queries to write directly to the target table. This can improve performance in some cases by sacrificing transactional behaviour. It can also be controlled using non_transactional_insert session property. (#8496)

Elasticsearch connector#

  • Add support for assuming an IAM role. (#8714)

Hive connector#

  • Fix data corruption when performing UPDATE or INSERT on ORC ACID transactional table. (#8268, #8452)

Iceberg connector#

  • Add support for Trino views. (#8540)

  • Prevent incorrect query results by failing a query when Iceberg table has row-level deletes. (#8450)

  • Fix query failure when joining with a bucketed Iceberg table. (#7502)

  • Fix query failure when showing stats for a bucketed Iceberg table. (#8616)

  • Fix query failure when joining with a partitioned table that has structural columns (array, map or row). (#8647)

  • Fix failures for queries that write tables in Parquet format. (#5201)

  • Improve query planning time by reducing calls to the metastore. (#8676, #8689)

MemSQL connector#

  • Add write.batch-size connector configuration property to control JDBC batch size used during writes. It can also be controlled using the write_batch_size session property. (#8434)

  • Add new configuration property insert.non-transactional-insert.enabled to allow INSERT queries to write directly to the target table. This can improve performance in some cases by sacrificing transactional behaviour. It can also be controlled using non_transactional_insert session property. (#8496)

  • Partial support for DELETE statement where predicate can be fully pushed down to the remote datasource. (#6287)

  • Fix performance regression of writes. (#8559)

MongoDB connector#

  • Add support for json type. (#8352)

  • Support reading MongoDB DBRef type. (#3134)

MySQL connector#

  • Add write.batch-size connector configuration property to control JDBC batch size used during writes. It can also be controlled using the write_batch_size session property. (#8434)

  • Add new configuration property insert.non-transactional-insert.enabled to allow INSERT queries to write directly to the target table. This can improve performance in some cases by sacrificing transactional behaviour. It can also be controlled using non_transactional_insert session property. (#8496)

  • Partial support for DELETE statement where predicate can be fully pushed down to the remote datasource. (#6287)

  • Fix performance regression of writes. (#8559)

Oracle connector#

  • Add write.batch-size connector configuration property to control JDBC batch size used during writes. It can also be controlled using the write_batch_size session property. (#8434)

  • Add new configuration property insert.non-transactional-insert.enabled to allow INSERT queries to write directly to the target table. This can improve performance in some cases by sacrificing transactional behaviour. It can also be controlled using non_transactional_insert session property. (#8496)

  • Partial support for DELETE statement where predicate can be fully pushed down to the remote datasource. (#6287)

Phoenix connector#

  • Add write.batch-size connector configuration property to control JDBC batch size used during writes. It can also be controlled using the write_batch_size session property. (#8434)

  • Add new configuration property insert.non-transactional-insert.enabled to allow INSERT queries to write directly to the target table. This can improve performance in some cases by sacrificing transactional behaviour. It can also be controlled using non_transactional_insert session property. (#8496)

  • Improve performance of ORDER BY ... LIMIT queries on sorted data for Phoenix 5. (#8171)

  • Partial support for DELETE statement where predicate can be fully pushed down to the remote datasource. (#6287)

  • Fix performance regression of writes. (#8559)

PostgreSQL connector#

  • Add write.batch-size connector configuration property to control JDBC batch size used during writes. It can also be controlled using the write_batch_size session property. (#8434)

  • Add new configuration property insert.non-transactional-insert.enabled to allow INSERT queries to write directly to the target table. This can improve performance in some cases by sacrificing transactional behaviour. It can also be controlled using non_transactional_insert session property. (#8496)

  • Partial support for DELETE statement where predicate can be fully pushed down to the remote datasource. (#6287)

Redshift connector#

  • Add write.batch-size connector configuration property to control JDBC batch size used during writes. It can also be controlled using the write_batch_size session property. (#8434)

  • Add new configuration property insert.non-transactional-insert.enabled to allow INSERT queries to write directly to the target table. This can improve performance in some cases by sacrificing transactional behaviour. It can also be controlled using non_transactional_insert session property. (#8496)

  • Partial support for DELETE statement where predicate can be fully pushed down to the remote datasource. (#6287)

SQL Server connector#

  • Add write.batch-size connector configuration property to control JDBC batch size used during writes. It can also be controlled using the write_batch_size session property. (#8434)

  • Add new configuration property insert.non-transactional-insert.enabled to allow INSERT queries to write directly to the target table. This can improve performance in some cases by sacrificing transactional behaviour. It can also be controlled using non_transactional_insert session property. (#8496)

  • Partial support for DELETE statement where predicate can be fully pushed down to the remote datasource. (#6287)

  • Fix performance regression of writes. (#8559)


  • Cast materialized view storage table columns to match view column types. (#8408)

  • Remove deprecated ConnectorSplitManager#getSplits method overrides. (#8569)

  • Introduce ConnectorPageSource#getCompletedPositions for tracing physically read positions. (#8524)

  • Remove deprecated TupleDomain.transform. (#8056)