Release 391 (22 Jul 2022)#


  • Improve performance of repeated aggregations with CASE expressions. (#12548)

  • Improve query latency when there is high concurrency. (#13213)

  • Improve planning performance for join queries when tables have statistics. (#13047)

  • Fail queries that get stuck in long-running regular expression functions. (#12392)

  • Fix potential query failure when the UUID type is used. (#13265)

  • Set the default value of the optimizer.force-single-node-output configuration property to false. (#13217)

BigQuery connector#

  • Add support for reading external tables. (#13164)

  • Add support for specifying table and column comments when creating a table. (#13105)

Delta Lake connector#

  • Improve optimized Parquet writer performance. (#13203, #13208)

  • Store query ID when creating a new schema. (#13242)

  • Fix incorrect schema already exists error caused by a client timeout when creating a new schema. (#13242)

  • Fix incorrect query results when reading a table with an outdated cached representation of its active data files. (#13181)

Druid connector#

  • Fix potential query failure when using the query table function with metadata caching and the underlying table schema is changed via Trino. (#12526)

Hive connector#

  • Add support for AWS Athena partition projection. (#11305)

  • Improve optimized Parquet writer performance. (#13203, #13208)

  • Fix potential failure when creating empty ORC bucket files while using ZSTD compression. (#9775)

  • Fix query failure or potentially incorrect statistics when running concurrent CREATE TABLE AS queries with the IF NOT EXISTS clause for the same non-existent table. (#12895)

  • Fix incorrect results when using the Glue metastore with queries that contain IS NULL and additional filters. (#13122)

Iceberg connector#

  • Improve performance when writing Parquet writer data. (#13203, #13208)

  • Fix query failure when reading an Iceberg table with deletion-tracking files. (#13035)

MariaDB connector#

  • Fix potential query failure when using the query table function with metadata caching and the underlying table schema is changed via Trino. (#12526)

MySQL connector#

  • Fix potential query failure when using the query table function with metadata caching and the underlying table schema is changed via Trino. (#12526)

Oracle connector#

  • Fix potential query failure when using the query table function with metadata caching and the underlying table schema is changed via Trino. (#12526)

PostgreSQL connector#

  • Fix potential query failure when using the query table function with metadata caching and the underlying table schema is changed via Trino. (#12526)

Redshift connector#

  • Fix potential query failure when using the query table function with metadata caching and the underlying table schema is changed via Trino. (#12526)

SQL Server connector#

  • Fix potential query failure when using the query table function with metadata caching and the underlying table schema is changed via Trino. (#12526)


  • Removed deprecated methods and classes related to the grouped execution feature. (#13125)